on Registration

Northampton, Ma. Drumming Classes

  1. -Registration is on a first-com-first-served basis.  Space is limited and the class always fills up!

  2. -Payment for the full 10-week session ($280) is required to register.

  3. -Payments can be made using Zelle, Venmo, or by check.  Please contact John for details: johnhughesarts@mac.com

  4. -A refund of the registration fee or class credit can be provided only if one cancels at least 14 days before the start of the session by contacting John at johnhughesarts@mac.com

  5. -No refunds, transfers, make-ups or deferments will be provided for missed classes.

  6. -Unless one has taken a class or private lessons with John before, attendance at the first class is mandatory.   If one must miss the first class, one must schedule a private lesson with John before the second class in order to catch up on what was missed or forfeit access to the session and the full payment.  Any private lessons will incur an additional cost. 

- The teacher reserves the right to cancel any class for any reason (usually inclement weather or illness).  For any class that the teacher cancels, a make-up class will be tacked on after the scheduled last class on the same day of the week.

- The start date of a class session may be postponed in the event the minimum number of students for the class is not reached.  In this case, registrants will be eligible for a full refund or class credit if the new date(s) conflict with their schedule.

On trying out the class” before registering:

As space is limited in the class; a minimum number of students are required to pay the teacher fairly; coupled with the fact that no one may join the session after the first class, it generally is not an option to ‘try out’ the class before registering.  Only in the event that the minimum number of students required to run the class are registered but the maximum number has not been reached will people be allowed to attend the first class without registering for the full session.  This will be permitted only by special arrangement with the teacher.  If one attends the first class but decides not to register for the full 10-week session, the cost will be $38 for the single class.

Click here to register!

Note: This link will generate an email to John with the subject, “Northampton Drumming Class Registration.”  In the email, feel free to ask any questions you might have about the class for which you cannot find answers on this or the previous page.  John will reply to your email promptly, answering any questions and providing you with information on payment options.

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